Friday, September 18, 2009

Readings 9/21-9/25


That is the theme for this week, I just felt that I had to chant it. But the reading this week were focused on what MIDI actually is. And i can tell you that I am only a bit more enlightened, and a lot more confused.

The first reading by Dennis Mauricio and Steve Oppenheimer was actually extremely helpful and gave some really good information. I was actually interested in what they had to say. Mauricio and Oppenheimer made it very clear what MIDI actually is and made it very easy to understand.

However the other article by Dr. Estrella was very confusing and went way too deep into the specifics of MIDI. If that was the abridged version, then I am very frightened to see what the actual version looks like.

This article just went way to in depth for me. A lot of the vocabulary that it used was very technologically specific. What I mean by this is that you had to have to knowledge of technology to understand what the article was trying to say. As for me, I have no experience, so I was completely lost.

As for the concept of MIDI itself, I am actually quite impressed. I feel that it is a wonderful tool that many music educators can use to their advantage. Although MIDI dies have its disadvantages, it appears to be quite functional.

I strongly believe that I will have a use for MIDI in my classroom. I do not think that it will run my curriculum, but as a teaching aid I think it is very worth it.

1 comment:

stacey kolthammer said...

The important thing is that you gather enough information about MIDI to decide how you'd like to use it and have enough experience to use it effectively when needed. The next few weeks of class should help you flex your MIDI muscles.