Thursday, October 16, 2008

Debate Post

I realize that this blog is a little late, but my time has been spent on midterms. But my topic for the debate was on whether or not the current economic would fix itself without any outside help. This turned out to be very interesting, despite my initial thoughts.

I started this assignment without a shred of hope. Of course our economy needs some kind of outside help. That seemed as clear as day to me. But the more I dove into the economy and all its issues, I found that letting the economy fail, may actually be what we need.

At the rate our stock market is dropping, bottoming out quickly may be the best idea. I mean even with the stimulus package and the bailout plan, nothing has really happened. Having the economy bottom out might be just what we need. The strongest companies will survive. Thus when we need to boost up the economy up again, the brightest and best can do it. Also, the government is spending way too much money on this problem causing us to be in greater debt. This is a no-no.

Research showed me two main things; we are $10 trillion in debt, and the government is spending more to get us out of this recession. BAD! TERRIBLE! First the money that we are getting to "help" with the debt is foreign. Which means that we will have to pay that back. And with the dollar sinking is value compared to the other world currencies, that means epic payback prices.

This showed me that 1)If the government stayed out of the money market, at least for a while, we would have a stronger dollar and less debt; and 2)People are stupid with money. Having the stimulus package fail (people not doing what was intended to do with the money) was terrible. And having the government step in was worse.

I realize that I have only ranted on the government, and you are right! Other than them, we would not be so bad off. And in my research, that is all I saw. Government spending money is not a good thing. At least not the way they are spending it. NASA has not been doing well, yet they keep receiving money. NOT COOL!

So I think that there is one solution. Government out. For the moment. Let the people spend the money. People need to realize that spending money on domestic goods is a good thing. YAY! We (the people) have the power to at least curve the worst of this decline. If we put our money in the American market, we should hold off the worst. Looking to the outside for help is not the answer. Unless a country was so generous as to just give us money, then great. UNLIKELY!

What I truly think is that we need to fix this problem ourselves. We elect the officials that are screwing things up. So lets make up for that. Let's fix this problem. Not anyone else. For the moment this would seem to work. America needs to get back on its feet before we can stand up again.

Sorry about the last cliche. =)

Hugs and love

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