Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blog Theme

I am really not sure what theme my blog should be. I have considered many options, and none really seem to fit. But, I think I found one that I really like. I am going to write this blog as a free-write. This means that I will use my own style and persona. The writing will be purely Ian Youngs. I feel that this style will let my writing flow much better. I believe that my ideas and my feelings will be expressed clearer. It will also give the reader a more “personal” relationship with me. When people read this blog I want them to feel comfortable and chill. I’ll try not to hide anything, and keep everything in the open .

A snap judgment could go two ways with my blog. Because it is a free write and has no form, it could be seen that I am uncaring and selfish. A rebel trying to promote his own views; infecting the norm. This would be a very bad conclusion. It is true that I don’t like authority, and I have a problem with rules. But I follow them, and do my own thing inside of them.

The flip side of the previous snap judgment is a “nicer” theme. It is one where people could see that I am a free spirit, just expressing whatever comes to my mind, not caring what anyone thinks. Again I believe that this is a bad conclusion. Yes, this is free-form writing. Yes it is able to be bent and shifted at my will. But it has its limits, and I have to adhere to them. If I am given a topic, I will stick to it. I may use allusions in my blog, but the topic will remain constant.

Either way I look at it, thin slicing my blog, is not the best thing to do. Though both views that I have given are different, they are very much the same. Both views show me as something I am not. I do not want to be a rebel or a free spirit. I just want to be me. I want to write, talk, and live as me. Again this is where Blink falters. I don’t believe that any of the experiments take account of people’s personalities. I mean after a hard test where I have to make sentences out of given words, of course I am going to walk slower, or act more aggressive. The fact is that I am slower because my brain is shot from the difficulty of the test. And I would be more aggressive because of the difficulty of the test, and the time I have spent on it. That is just who I am.

I don’t think anyone can thin slice perfectly, and that is why my blog is unique. I am giving you me in the form of writing. And I do not believe that anyone can thin slice me.

Signing out,

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