Monday, September 1, 2008

Blog 1

As this is the first post, I am not sure what I should write. Classes start and end, rehearsals begin and finish, not much went on. As Kurt Vonnegut put it, “So it goes.”

In Sages we went over our material for the year. It is pretty simple. From what I was able to discern, our class is going to do some work on how we think. Why is it that thinking fast and accurate is an essential tool? In class we brainstormed why this is in fact, a fact. When it comes to sports you need to have good reflexes and decision making skills in order to play well and help your team win. As a driver of a car you need this skill to weigh situation to not only save your life, but pedestrians as well. Having this quick snapshot mind is just so helpful.

However it can also be a terrible thing. When some people see an electrician or a plumber, they automatically assume that they are not smart, thus putting them on the lower rung of the social ladder. But a deeper look reveals why this is false. Is it not important for an electrician to install all wires properly to make sure that a house does not short circuit; or a plumber to make sure all pipes are secure to prevent a leak? Just because these people do not have a Ph.D. and a certificate on a wall doesn’t make them dumb.

If class this week has taught me anything, it is to be careful in my thoughts. Just because something looks shady doesn’t mean that it always is. I should refine my skills at discerning the facts, and look past what could stop me from being a better person.

Signing out,


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