Friday, December 12, 2008

1st Semester Things

I enjoyed my first semester here. Case was really never my number 1 school. It would swim around in the 5 to 2 range, but it could never hit one. So this first semester was like testing the water.

I found that this is the school for me. I was happy with everything that I could control. The use of SIS, running around campus for access problems, and useless classes, all had their impact on me. But overall, I am happy that I came here. I am in a wonderful music program with wonderful staff and peers. I love my job, and my co workers. I love the freedom and the campus feel. Life here is great.

I still miss home and everything, but I really do enjoy life here. But I have one moment that sticks out in my mind. It was the end of October, and the night before Halloween.

I was in the music library in Denison, making note cards for my Latin class. I had finished 180 of the 200 I brought and thought I could do 20 and once. I was right. And in fact, I could have done a bit more. I had cut off the tip of my thumb.

Most reactions would go with fix my finger! Mine was different. My first thought was to get all the music and fliers off the table. Then it was check for spatter. Then it was fix my thumb.

I went to the bathroom and assessed the situation. I saw no bone, but I had cut deep. I had no control and had to gain some of it back. So, I calmed down and was able to call for help.

6 weeks later, I can see that my thumb is healed very well, but I'll have a big scar. Oh well. Life goes on, but at least I can still play sax. So everything is okay.

This memory is in my mind because it shows me perfectly. I get too cocky, do something stupid, almost lose it, and then calm down, finally to have the problem fixed. I guess I really haven't changed at all. College has done nothing to my personality. furthering my love of this college. I can just be me, and it is fine.

Signing out,


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