Thursday, September 17, 2009

PLN for 9/14-9/18

This week on my PLN I discovered a way for music educators to stay on their toes. eHow makes learning instruments easy.

I know that there will be times in my career that I do not remember some fingerings, or slide positions, so having the eHow recourse will be very helpful. eHow is essentially a search engine for instructional videos. So if I need a refresher on how to hold mallets, I just search "different mallet grips" and a list of videos will pop up.

I know that it seems silly that this may be the only use for eHow, but I got to thinking that the videos could help students too. Since the how to videos are free, thee student does not have to pay for lessons. This way they can still learn their instrument, while not having to pay an exorbitant amount for private lessons.

At the end of the day I feel that eHow will become a wonderful "quick fix" for music educators. It is readily available and cheap. After all we are all starving artists aren't we?

1 comment:

stacey kolthammer said...

Hmmm, I never thought to look there. I have to be honest that I'll have to actually look at some of these videos before deciding if it's a source I will ever use. I like the idea of having an easy and free place to look for a quick answer...I'm just not sure how well to trust the answer I receive. Thanks for the idea.