Thursday, September 3, 2009

So you want to teach?

On my PLN I subscribed to a blog named "So you want to teach?". I was really impressed by how the site was set up. I think that it will end up becoming a wonderful resource for me.

One post that I liked was one called "Laying Out a Legacy". The post was about what kind of legacy, or impression, that you ( a teacher) would like to leave after you retire.

I think that this topic is on all educator's minds. I know that it is on mine. I see all these great music programs around me, and I say to myself, "I wish that I could do this one day." I really hope that someday I can truly figure out what I want to accomplish. In a perfect world, I would have the best band in America. But I know that I should have more realistic expectations.

Anyway, this blog already seems very good to me. I know that what is on my mind, is on other educator's minds as well. This sight is more than just a good resource; it is a place to feel included and to know that in the world of education you are not alone.

1 comment:

stacey kolthammer said...

I agree that it's incredibly important to be able to access a casually written resource that reassures music educators (especially in the first years) that others are facing some of the same challenges on a daily basis. When I was a beginning teacher I was encouraged to keep a journal to express thoughts and brainstorm solutions. I never did so and now I wish I had. A blog would be the perfect way to quickly get some thoughts out at the end of a long day and possibly swap stories with others in your PLN.