Thursday, October 15, 2009

Readings 10/12 - 10/16

This week I had to read articles that dealt with "Computer Aided Instruction" or CAI. Instead of the broad term music technology, CAI deals with just using multiple or a single computer in the classroom.

The article that struck me the most was the Kassner article on teaching an entire class with a single computer. It was not just the ideas that struck me as unique and quite useful, but it was how Kassner told that there would be problems with a singe computer approach.

I also liked how he included a chart of specific programs such as Cakewalk and Toney Games and showed how they could be used. I feel that if I was at a school with limited resources I would be okay and able to teach appropriately.

Another article by Chad Criswell was bout the "Smartboard". This is a plain looking white board, but it is in fact even more. What happens is there are no markers used. It is a whiteboard for a projection. The screen then reads what you "write on it" and it will appear on the projection. You can erase, augment, move, and generally do anything you want with a Smartboard.

This would be an ideal situation if a music classroom had a Smartboard, because it would save so much time and effort. I am however worried for the school systems that do not have the resources to buy one of these boards. Although I know they are not needed, they allow for great teaching opportunities.

I feel that a computer could be a vital resource in the classroom that is not for just administrative reasons. I have been enlightened this week to that fact. I can see that having a computer as a tool to teach is starting to become imperative.


Allison said...

I've never actually used/seen a Smartboard used before. I feel like they'd be super cool. I know we had a fair number of them in my high school but somehow I never actually interacted with one. I look forward to it.

tkuntz said...

It's good to know that effective teaching can happen with one computer or with a Smart Board. We know that it can also happen with a teacher who is excited about what they do, even if the technology is not available.