Thursday, October 22, 2009

Week 9 Reactions

This week in technology we had to learn to use different websites. The two in particular were wikispaces, and delicious. I can honestly say that this felt more like a hassle then a benefit.

I had a lot of qualms with both of these sites. I feel that I am only adding things to my toolbar that are not really essential. Yes both these sites have their benefits, but I am failing to see the point in using them.

Maybe I am a bit old fashioned, but I enjoy looking for information, I do not want it to just come to me. I feel that this is why I do not enjoy I feel as though I am using resources that too many teachers are using.

Wikispaces is a bit of a different story. I do not mind this site as much. And in a way I know that it will be quite useful. However, the emphasis that has been put on it is too great, in my opinion.

Yes it is great for collaboration, but beyond that, I have trouble seeing a use for it. Again, it will become a place where people will post their ideals, and the true essence of the "space" will have lost all meaning.

Again, I may be a bit quick to look down upon these sites. I realize that I have just been introduced to them, but I cannot help but address my concerns. I think that sometimes good, old fashioned searching is more beneficial than having all your information come to you.

1 comment:

tkuntz said...

Wikis and Delicious are more tools for us to use. They allow us to be part of the larger music education community, a place where we can share discoveries and new ideas. After trying out a new tool, you can decide where it will fit best in your toolbox. It may get shoved to the bottom, but it will still be there when you need it.