Friday, November 6, 2009

Readings Week 11

I thoroughly enjoyed the readings for this week. Every one of them was easy to understand and gave many insightful tips. The readings this week focused on technology and how educators may use it in a more modern classroom.

The first article was a very simple one written by Marcy P. Driscoll. Titled "How People Learn (and What Technology Might Have to do With It)" it describes how learning works and operates. Driscoll then adds in ways that technology aids in learning.

I do see the benefits of technology in learning. However I also wonder how our ancestors learned and functioned without technology. Yes, having electricity and an Internet is a huge benefit to us now, but learning would take place whether we had technology or not. But as long as we have it, I think we should use it to its fullest advantage.

The next article by Marc Prensky is about "digital natives", or people that have grown up surrounded by technology as an integral part of their lives. Prensky also covers those of us who have had to accommodate technology, which he calls "digital immigrants". This was such an interesting article due to the fact that I am on the border of the two.

As a 90's child I grew up playing Nintendo, and Sega, I used compact discs as well as MP3's and cassette players. I feel like accommodating to technology is not that hard at all, like all learning you need to do it slowly and constantly build on previous knowledge. I do not believe that children today are born with the knowledge of how to use the Internet. But they definitely know how to navigate the technology maze. Even though it may take a bit longer, older adults can do the same as their youth. They just need to take their time.

The last article is by Dr. Bauer himself and discusses web quests. I can honestly say I am very fascinated by this concept and would enjoy very much to do one. If anyone one knows what Geocaching is, it is like that but online. I think that this idea is so cool.

What I got from the article is that students have one website that they visit to see what they must accomplish. The site outlines what must be done and what should be achieved. Then students are put on a quest for information via the world wide web. Wow, it is like a treasure hunt. I can easily use this in my classroom.

I feel as though technology is not that hard to understand or use. All you need is to take your time and build upon what you already know. There are so many exciting things that you are able to do in technology and music that knowing a bit about it will make you life easier.

1 comment:

tkuntz said...

WebQuests are fun for the students to complete and fun to create. There is always more information that is discovered and places to take students.