Thursday, November 12, 2009

Readings Week 12

This week's readings were focused on digital photography. In class we went over the program GIMP, a free version of the better known PhotoShop.

I was not that interested in the actual concept of digital photography, I was more interested in the problems that can arise from using it. There are many copyright laws that must be taken into account as well as legal issues that come from doctoring photos.

As musicians we must be very careful about copyright laws. We are always under the mirror for using "illegal" music or recording illegally. I feel that it is very important to know when you can and cannot do things as a musician and an educator. One must know where they can step on some toes, and where they cannot.

For digital photography, the doctoring of images is always a problem. Programs such as Gimp and Photoshop are very easy to use and can cause many issues. I really enjoyed the reading on copyright and fair use. I understand that there are many laws in place that put restrictions on what you can and cannot copy or doctor. I was very happy that I had an article to read that dealt with this issue.

I cannot stress enough how important it is as music educators that we do things by the book. We cannot afford to be in trouble with the law. No shortcuts should be taken and help should be given when needed. This is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed more often.

1 comment:

Bill Bauer said...

It is very important that, as educators and musicians, we respect the intellectual and creative property of others, just as we'd want ours to be respected. Creative Commons is a good way to share content in a controlled way.